LWMLC Sunday
LWMLC Sunday (6 October 2024)
Sermon Text: Genesis 2:18, 22-24
Sermon Text:
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League serves Christ by serving the Church. It is about having women in faithful service to our Lord who saves both men and women. There are differences between men and women that the world around us does not always recognize. We are not so different that Christ coming as a man cannot save women with the sacrifice of his male body on the cross, but the sexes are not identical from a biblical point of view. Women have their own physiology, predisposition towards certain roles in society, and place in marriage. This latter place of submission makes many women nervous who do not feel like they can trust a man in a relationship. This can then lead to women not feeling they can submit to Christ in faith. For men who have been hurt by women, some feel like they should dominate women in relationships, also weakening trust. But Christ heals hurt hearts. He shows us how we can be trustworthy to hurt women, and sympathetic to hurt men. This is because Christ plays that part for us in our faith. He sacrificed himself so we know we can trust and be vulnerable toward him who soothes our hurt hearts.