Associated Organizations
Lutheran Church — Canada (LCC)
The synod (conference of churches) to which Hope Lutheran Church belongs. The headquarters are located in Winnipeg.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Canada
A laywomen’s organization working with Lutheran Church — Canada to help with many and various mission projects.
Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada
Provides resources and assistance to clergy and laypeople in Lutheran Church — Canada.
Lutheran Bible Translators Canada
Dedicated to translate the Bible for mission fields around the world.
Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots (LAMP)
A Canadian project with headquarters in Edmonton which spreads the word of God to aboriginal communities in Canada.
BC Mission Boat Society (BCMB)
Located in British Columbia to serve the aboriginal communities in the province.
For personal financial advice and estate planning in order to support your local congregation.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
The sister synod of Lutheran Church — Canada in the USA.
Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM)
Spreads the word of God over the radio and internet. There are different LHM organizations in many different countries.
Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)
An inter-synodical Lutheran charity providing support around the globe.
Lutherans for Life – Canada (LFL-C)
Pro-Life and Pro-Family organization defending human life from a biblical perspective.
Concordia Lutheran Seminary Edmonton (Alberta)
Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (St. Catharines Ontario)
Online Lutheran Resources
An online collection of the Confessional documents subscribed to by Hope Lutheran Church. There are also many other documents on the website to provide background information on them.
Contains manuscripts many different historical Lutheran theologians for some helpful insight into the Lutheran faith.
Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
Provides free Lutheran resources from the Reformation to the 20th century available on pdf.
Lutheran Bookstores
The publishing company for Lutheran Church Missouri Synod with great resources on theology, history, liturgy, and more.
Publishing company for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) with some useful theological resources.
Specializing in translating historical American Lutheran writers and some current Lutheran theologians.
New translations of Lutheran writers from the Reformation to the 20th century.
Retailer for Christian book and music titles. Also sells CDs, videos and DVDs, and more.
Christian books, music, gifts, software, Bibles, and paraments.