Hope Lutheran Church

Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church is dedicated to the Gospel message of Christ crucified, given to us in the words of scripture and by the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

By grace, Jesus Christ has cleansed us from sin so that we may have everlasting life in his name. In this eternal hope, Hope Lutheran spreads the Gospel so all people may hear and believe in Jesus Christ and have life in his name.

The Holy Spirit calls to us through the Gospel, enlightens with his gifts, and sanctifies and keeps us in the true faith.

Divine Service – Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Bible Study – Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.

ATTENTION: Hope Lutheran will only be livestreaming Sunday services on YouTube from now on.
YouTube Livestreams – Hope Lutheran Church Victoria Live
YouTube archive of services, devotionals, Bible studies, etc. – Playlists 

Join us for Mid-week Service this season of Lent (March 26, April 2, 9) at 7:00 pm.

Assisting the Ukraine

We are in fellowship with the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU). They are experiencing difficult times with the recent invasion and are in need of assistance. Please pray that the Lord protect the lives of the people, guide the actions of all world leaders, and provide restoration for the devastation in Ukraine.

If you would like to give towards humanitarian aid, please give towards Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s “Ukraine Emergency Appeal” fund. To give towards the efforts of the churches and their pastors in taking care of the spiritual and physical well-being of Ukrainians, please visit Lutheran Church — Canada’s Ukraine Aid Fund. Thank you and God bless.

Contact Information


1924 Carrick Street

Victoria, BC V8R 2M4


Church – 250.592.4124

Rev. Adam Chandler – 778.350.9332


Email Hope Lutheran

Email Pastor Chandler


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