Sunday School has been on hiatus but we would like to start up again if there are any children willing to attend. Please contact the Church Office if you want to bring your children to Sunday School. In the meantime, our Sunday School teacher, Miss Louise, writes pieces for our families in the congregation’s monthly newsletter. If you are not on the mailing list, but would like to be, please contact the Church Office (
From Miss Louise:
In Mark, Chapter 3, Jesus is teaching a large group of people about God. A messenger comes and tells Jesus that his Mother and brothers are looking for him. Jesus says to the people surrounding him, “Who are my mother and my brothers?”. “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” verse 32-35.
We are each other’s sisters, brothers and family of Jesus Christ, family of God.
This past week, we learned some very sad news about children who had died and their parents didn’t know what had happened to them. We learned about their sadness; we are now sad, too. We are all part of the same family of Canadians.
Today, the hockey game is between the Canadian and Russian team. Suddenly, it doesn’t matter which Canadian team we cheer for, now we are a cheering for the Canadian national team. We are all part of the Canadian family!
When I write to you, I often write your, “Sister in Christ”.
We are all brothers and sisters, in Christ to each other. We are all part of God’s family. We pray,
Thank you, God, that we are baptized into your family and are your children. Thank you, God, that we are brothers and sisters in the same family! We pray for comfort for those families who are very sad right now. Thank you God for all that you do for your family! In Jesus name we pray, Amen
Write a card or draw a picture for some one that you know is sad or is happy! Ask some to help you , with the words, Your sister or your brother in Christ.
God bless you all this coming week!