Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost, November 13, 2022
- Divine Service 4
2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 (sermon text)
A proper distinction of Law and Gospel is essential to understanding our salvation in Christ. The Law states what we should do and condemns us for we have all failed to do it. The Gospel shows how we are forgiven our sins and saved by Christ. When we consider biblical statements like, “Do not be burdens to one another,” and “Imitate the apostles,” we should not consider these things essential for our salvation since our salvation is through Christ’s sacrifice for us. These good works, though, should be done for the benefit of the body of Christ–the Church–because good works should flow from faith. If it is difficult to do good works, return to where the source of these works are. Find your salvation in Christ’s words and his sacraments because these will always comfort you and encourage you to live in the love Christ has for you and others.