Advent Midweek 3

Advent Midweek 3; 20 Dec 2023

Jesus’ Genealogy: Hezekiah
Sermon Text: Isaiah 38:1-20
Hezekiah reformed the worship of the Lord from near unbelief but the Lord allowed him to become ill unto death. This doesn’t make sense to us, similar to how our own afflictions (physical, mental, financial, or social) confuse us as to why they are happening. Hezekiah didn’t ask why but looked to who it was who could save him. We can do the same. We know that our Lord Jesus came into this world healing the sick and causing the blind to see, but we also know these things are not promised to us in this world. When we look to Jesus, we see the promise of the world to come. Even the healing Jesus did was to bring people into the blessedness of the coming paradise. This is most clear in Christ’s resurrection which promises to give us life everlasting. Hezekiah prayed to God in life as well. The dead–the spiritually dead–cannot praise God whichever side of the grave they are on. Only those God brought to life in Christ worship Him properly, like Hezekiah worshipped. Because we worship God in Spirit and truth, we have the promise that we will eternally worship the Lord regardless of what evils await us in this world.

Posted On: December 20, 2023