Second Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent, December 4, 2022
  • Divine Service Setting 5

Isaiah 11:1-10 (sermon text)


The picture presented in Isaiah’s prophecy is heavenly peace on earth. When Jesus made peace by the blood of his cross, he reconciled all things back to God. The new heavens and the new earth will be without war among human beings, conflict with animals, and hardship with the elements of the earth. The greatest peace of all our Prince of Peace gives is the forgiveness we find at the cross. There he makes peace between a righteous God and sinful humanity. Our hearts may rest from the turmoil of guilt and anxiety through Christ’s peace. We have this made manifest today in Christ’s Word and Sacrament which gives to us this peace, and we are promised the fulfilment of this peace in the world to come. We await for when all sinfulness and its effects are removed from us but today we know that Christ is bringing us peace with God.

Written Sermon

Posted On: December 4, 2022